WhatsApp Desktop Beta is the beta version of the official WhatsApp Desktop app. With it, you will have the opportunity to try out the latest features of the Windows app before they reach the stable version.
WhatsApp Desktop Beta works in the same way as the normal version. After installing it, you will have to scan a QR code through the WhatsApp app on your smartphone. Once this is done, your account will be paired and you will be able to use it on Windows, even without any Internet connection on your smartphone, since WhatsApp Desktop Beta works independently.
In WhatsApp Desktop Beta, you will be able to write in your chats as per usual. You can create groups, send stickers or GIFs and, basically, use all the basic options related to instant messaging. In addition, you can make voice and video calls directly from your computer.
Since this is a beta version, WhatsApp usually introduces untested code into it. This may cause some stability or performance problems, but it also guarantees that you will enjoy some new features weeks or months before they are released in the stable version.
If you want to use WhatsApp on PC and enjoy the latest news of the app before they reach the stable version, download WhatsApp Desktop Beta.
View all photos and videos Cristiane Almeida
Very good application
very helpful
Very good 🙎🙏🙏
Very good